Her acclaimed “Spending” column at BS Personal Finance tracking consumer consumption and aspirations for Business Standard has been going strong for the last several years and is classified as top rated Premium Content. A columnist with The Daily Guardian on women’s issues, Namrata’s popular column “WomanWise” advocates for meaningful change and effectively raises issues that resonate deeply with women be it about workplace equality, women’s safety, cultural and social expectations as well as rights & responsibilities. (https://namrata-kohli.com/category/woman/)
Her writings as an author have ranged from chronicling the unexpected upside of the pandemic in “Corona Positives” to her book “Culture during Crisis” (https://amzn.eu/d/7HSODYi) which is available also in Hindi version as संकट में संस्कृति (https://amzn.eu/d/2u93iv5) by Bhawna Publishers.
Senior Fellowships are given to outstanding persons in the field of Culture for undertaking research-oriented projects.
She started her career with the Times of India group after English Hons from Delhi University and Mass Communication from IIMC and also undertook an Executive Program in Management from Indian School of Business (ISB) Hyderabad (as part of 10,000 Women Network program sponsored by Goldman Sachs). Namrata started her career with The Times of India group and has written across Economic Times, Education Times, Saturday Times, Sunday Review, Times Property, MagicBricks. At HT Media Ltd, she curated content for lifestyle supplement HT Premium Homes as Editor Consultant. She is currently associated with Business Standard as a Contributing Editor. She also collaborated with Goethe/Max Mueller, New Delhi (https://www.goethe.de/ins/in/en/kul/soc/ldl/22696735.html) for a global project titled “Lockdown Lessons.” From November 2021 till July 2022, Namrata worked with the Ministry of Culture as Content Advisor- Project DDR (Digital District Repository) under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) with CCRT (Centre for Cultural Resources and Training) Ministry of Culture, Govt of India. Project DDR (Digital District Repository) under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) is a pathbreaking initiative of GoI to discover and document stories of people, events, and places linked to the freedom struggle of India at the micro level of the district (https://amritmahotsav.nic.in/digital-district-repository.htm). In short, an attempt to present the history of India by Indians through the Indian perspective.
For regular updates on latest stories, log onto Insta handle at (https://www.instagram.com/namskohli/) and Twitter handle at (https://twitter.com/kohli_namrata) or write to Namrata Kohli at authornamratakohli@gmail.com